Camp Health &
Covid Protocol

Safety Is Our Top Priority At All Time

Summer 2023 Offers Relief and Flexibility Regarding How We Manage  Our Covid-19 Policies and Guidelines (subject to change*)

We Are Always Prepared

Covid continues to present an ongoing and fluid situation and response throughout the United States. Therefore, IDEAS Camps has invested a tremendous amount of research and expert medical input into the creation of our Safety Program.

Our company successfully returned to in-person camp operations in Summer 2022, safely serving more than 10,000 families without a single case of Covid originating from our camp programs. While we will continue to adjust our plan as necessary, below we present two Safety Plans based on the current recommended guidelines and requirements and future possibilities.

Current Policy Until Further Notice

Summer 2023
Current Policy Until Further Notice

Current Policy
The current policy continues to maintain the safety and attention to detail related to cleanliness and oversight, however the current policy is much more relaxed than our Safety Plan from 2022 (which is currently our 2023 State of Emergency Policy – see below).

Policy One Safety Considerations:
1. Masks are completely optional for anyone on the camp’s campus.
2. If any member of the camp does contract Covid, we will follow the steps from Plan Two’s guidelines as they are set forth in our camp’s “7-Point Safety Program.”

NOTE: We will continue to monitor Covid* and re-evaluate if applicable, once the 2022 summer camp season is underway. Overall IDEAS Camps is confident that our in-person camp experiences will continue to be full of enrichment opportunities that are positive, action-packed and FUN!

*IDEAS Camps will continue to learn and take recommendations by the CDC, ACA, NIH, and AAP, as well as local and state agencies.

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Current Policy Disclosure:
In sum, we understand and know that Covid-19 and its daily obstructions is a fluid situation, especially with evolving advances in rapid testing and vaccines. Moreover, in consultation with medical professionals and following guidance from the CDC  the Pennsylvania Department of Public Health, IDEAS Camps is fully prepared. We also follow the following guidelines:

• Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
• Pittsburgh State Executive Orders
• PA State Department of Education
• Allegheny County Department of Health
• National Association of Independent Schools
• Association of Independent Pittsburgh & D.C. Schools
• American Camping Association (ACA)

Like the American Academy of Pediatrics, we understand that summer camps and schools play a vital role in children’s development and overall well-being. Our goal is to maintain the health, safety and mental wellness of our entire community while providing the nurturing and summer camp environment unique to IDEAS Camps. We recognize that we cannot know the specific health and wellness challenges each of our families faces, and we understand that it is impossible for us to meet the needs of every camper.

Operating summer camp in the midst of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic requires the full commitment of every member of our community. We expect our leadership team, counselors and parents to lead by example, modeling proper behavior and good judgement for the children in our care. We understand that there are risks involved with in-person summer camp, but we know that we can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 by closely monitoring the situation and abiding by the recommended protocols.

We ask for patience, understanding and flexibility as we continue to navigate ever-changing circumstances, and we thank you for your cooperation.

State of Emergency Policy (not anticipated at this time; if declared by Governor of (PA)

Summer 2023
State of Emergency Policy
(not anticipated at this time)

We will only implement these protocols if a State of Emergency is declared by The Governor of Pennsylvania.

State of Emergency Policy
This policy is based on any situation that is equal or similar to the unpredictable effects of Covid during summer 2022. In other words, it is not what a scenario we are anticipating at this moment of time or at the start of the camp season but we are fully prepared to make the important and necessary adjustments. Please keep in mind that this is not a plan based on the present day or any day or month before the start of our summer camp season.

This policy, if enacted will replicate our plans and procedures from summer 2021. Similar to the Current Anticipated Policy, the State of Emergency Policy presents a more stringent policy related to mask mandates and close contacts -all in a strong effort to maintain the safety and attention to detail related to cleanliness and oversight, which is detailed our below).

State of Emergency Policy Safety Considerations:
1. Masks will be mandatory for anyone on the camp’s campus who is unvaccinated.
2. Masks may be optional for anyone on the camp’s campus WHO IS vaccinated OR masks may be required if vaccinations are proven not to work against any Covid-19 variant(s).
3. Masks will not be mandatory in any outdoor setting, but may be required during both drop-off and pick-up.
4. As always, if any member of the camp does contract Covid, we will follow the steps as they are set forth in our camp’s “7-Point Safety Program.”

NOTE: We will continue to monitor Covid* and re-evaluate the State of  Emergency Policy if applicable as we get closer to the 2022 summer camp season. Overall IDEAS Camps is confident that our in-person camp experiences will continue to be full of enrichment opportunities that are positive, action-packed and FUN!

*IDEAS Camps will continue to learn and take recommendations by the CDC, ACA, NIH, and AAP, as well as local and state agencies.

We understand and know that Covid-19 and its daily obstructions is a fluid situation, especially with evolving advances in rapid testing and vaccines. Moreover, in consultation with medical professionals and following guidance from the CDC  the Pennsylvania Department of Public Health, IDEAS Camps is fully prepared. We also follow the following guidelines:

• Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
• Pennsylvania State Executive Orders
• PA State Department of Education
• Local County Department of Health
• National Association of Independent Schools
• Association of Independent Schools in Pennsylvania
• American Camping Association (ACA)

Like the American Academy of Pediatrics, we understand that summer camps and schools play a vital role in children’s development and overall well-being. Our goal is to maintain the health, safety and mental wellness of our entire community while providing the nurturing and summer camp environment unique to IDEAS Camps.

We recognize that we cannot know the specific health and wellness challenges each of our families faces, and we understand that it is impossible for us to meet the needs of every camper.

Remaining open in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic requires the full commitment of every member of our community. We expect our leadership team, counselors and parents to lead by example, modeling proper behavior and good judgement for the children in our care. We understand that there are risks involved with in-person summer camp, but we know that we can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 by closely monitoring the situation and abiding by the recommended protocols.

We ask for patience, understanding and flexibility as we continue to navigate ever-changing circumstances, and we thank you for your cooperation.

State of Emergency Policy – Continued

Since 1997, Safety is Our #1 Priority – No Exceptions

IDEAS Camps’ 2023 program offerings will be focused on creating the ultimate safe, fun, positive environment for all campers, parents, and staff. We have implemented top-notch safety measures that align with CDC, NIH, and AAP recommendations and exceed local and state regulations and restrictions which is why IDEAS Camps is considered one of the safest camps in the United States.

Please note:
The policies and procedures presented on this page and at this time are subject to change. Since Covid has presented an extremely fluid environment for schools, youth sports leagues, and camps, we will continue to monitor and update our safety guidelines accordingly. We will continue to monitor all safety recommendations, rapid testing, vaccination updates and anything else pertaining to Covid.

Below is Our 7-Point System for protecting our campers, their families, and our staff members on-site this summer.


Our 7-Point Safety Program

Our 7-Point Safety Program

Preparations & Planning – Continued

Additional IDEAS Summer Camps Safety Protocols

If The Emergency Policy is indicated in one of the drop down menus, then the procedures for the topic and information
within that specific dropdown is only applicable if Emergency Policy is enacted.

Daily Pre-Arrival
  • We follow all best practices from schools and camps across the country. However, it is a team effort. Therefore, we ask that you stay vigilant in monitoring you camper(s) for any signs of illness including, but not limited to:
    • Fever of 100.4 or higher
    • Shortness of Breath
    • Difficulty Breathing
    • Cold-like symptoms (cough, runny nose, etc.)
    • Sore Throat
    • Chills
    • Muscle Pains
    • New loss of taste or smell
    • Any other symptoms listed by the CDC as a potential sign of COVID-19
  • If your child(ren) is exhibiting any of the above symptoms, or is showing other signs of illness, we kindly ask that you keep your camper home until the following conditions have been met:
    • They have had a negative COVID-19 test; OR
    • Have been free of fever and/or any fever-reducing medication for seventy-two (72) hours, other symptoms have improved, and at least ten (10) days have passed since symptoms first appeared
  • In addition, we ask that you to keep your child(ren) home if they have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus or if someone in the household has any of the signs of illness listed above
  • We also ask that if your camper tests positive for COVID-19 during the week of camp, you alert us as soon as possible (same day). 
    • Any information you share with our team will be 100% confidential and HIPPA compliant.

*Please note that some or all of the protocol written above may change at anytime based on rapid testing, vaccinations and the recommendations of the CDC, ACA, and other city or county guidelines.

Camper Daily Arrival
  • We ask that you stay in your car when droping-off your child(ren).
    • Please, do not walk your child(ren) to the check-in area.
  • Rest assured, we will have IDEAS Camps staff present at the designated drop-off area to greet everyone and to walk your child(ren) to check-in safely.
  • While we do not anticipate any problems, we will immediately contact you if there are any at check-in.

*Please note that some or all of the protocol written above may change at anytime based on rapid testing, vaccinations and the recommendations of the CDC, ACA, and other city or county guidelines.

Camper Daily Check-In
State of Emergency Policy Only

  • Upon arrival, you will see our staff wearing masks
    • We ask kindly that all family members also wear masks in the car as our staff approach
  • We will maintain social distancing measures whenever possible, making certain exceptions for safety purposes or to assist younger children exit the vehicle
  • While still in the car, your camper will have their temperature checked using a non-contact forehead thermometer; if your camper’s temperature is 100.3 degree or higher, unfortunately he/she will not able to join us at camp
  • Please be aware of markings on the ground and/or signage will help guide your camper through the check-in process
  • IDEAS Camp counselors will provide all campers with hand sanitizer upon arrival. If there are any sanitizer allergies we need to be aware of, please let us know during the registration process and also, at check-in

*Please note that some or all of the protocol written above may change at anytime based on rapid testing, vaccinations and the recommendations of the CDC, ACA, and other city or county guidelines.

Procedures During Camp
State of Emergency Policy Only


Masks will be required in all indoor settings and in large group all-camper events (morning or afternoon all-camp meetings) outdoors.


Masks are not required (optional) for any other outdoor settings or activities.

This applies to both campers and camp staff.

  • Exceptions & Breaks
    • Mask Breaks
      • Everyone at camp must wear a mask at all times except when outdoors in their cohorts or while eating or drinking (lunch/snack).
      • We recognize that campers need breaks from masks if they are indoors for a prolonged period of time, so we have designed protocols that enable these breaks in a safe manner and in an outdoor setting.
      • Designated “mask breaks” are always supervised by our camp staff.
  • Campers will not be permitted to share water bottles or any other personal items. So we encourage you to pack enough water for the day, even if that means you pack multiple water bottles


  • *Please note that some or all of the protocol written above may change at anytime based on rapid testing, vaccinations and recommendations of the CDC, ACA, and other city or county guidelines.
Camp Activities and Camp Play
State of Emergency Policy Only


  • Throughout the day, camp groups will not mix on campus.
    • Each camp group and its associated IDEAS Camps counselor will remain distanced from other camp groups
    • Each camp group will have their own designated area to keep and retrieve their personal items.
      • Moroever all of the campers’ bags/belongings will be stored no less than 6 feet apart within the aforementioned designated area
    • As an extra precatution, the IDEAS Camps staff will sanitize/wipe-down any shared supplies or equipment after each activity session
    • High-fives, fist bumps, handshakes, and other forms of greetings and/or celebration involving contact will not be permitted. Instead, spirit fingers, phantom handshakes, and thumbs-ups will be used to demonstrate happiness, excitement and celebration
  • *Please note that some or all of the protocol written above may change at anytime based on rapid testing, vaccinations and the recommendations of the CDC, ACA, and other city or county guidelines.
Camper Daily Pick-Up
  • We recommend, whenever possible, that the same person who dropped your child(ren) off in the morning also pick them up at the end of the day
  • We also recommend against anyone who meets the criteria for a higher risk of contracting COVID-19 being the designated drop-off and pick-up person
  • Similar to drop-off, please remain in your car and proceed through the pick-up carpool line, with your carpool placard and personal identification on the passenger-side dashboard
  • If possible, please bring and keep your own pen in your vehicle to sign out your child(ren) at the end of the day. This will expedite the pick-up process.

*Please note that some or all of the protocol written above may change at anytime based on rapid testing, vaccinations and the recommendations of the CDC, ACA, and other city or county guidlines.

Sanitization at Camp
  • The IDEAS Camps staff will routinely clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces throughout the camp day
  • We have daily checklists to ensure supplies, equipment, surfaces (e.g., doorknobs, hand rails, light switches, sink handles, counter tops, and other commonly touched areas/surfaces), restrooms, and snack/lunch areas are well-sanitized before and after the camp day
  • Per the recommdation of medical professionals, IDEAS Camps will use products that are EPA-approved for use against the coronavirus.
    • Moreover, we will follow the manufacturer’s instructions related to safe storage, concentration, contact time, and protective equipment for all cleaning and disinfection

*Please note that some or all of the protocol written above may change at anytime based on rapid testing, vaccinations and the recommendations of the CDC, ACA, and other city or county guidlines.

Protocol For Camper Illness
  • If a IDEAS camper begins to manifest symptoms of a potential COVID-19 infection while at camp, we will contact his or her parent/guardian (or if unavailable, the camper’s emergency contact) immediately in accordance with camp communication protocol
    • If, in the judgment of our on-location leadership team, the camper is exhibiting serious symptoms necessitating further emergency action, we will proactively seek additional medical assistance (on-location first-aid supervisor and/or 911) in addition to contacting the designated parent/guardian (or emergency contact)
  • Throughout the camp day all IDEAS staff members will keep any camper suspected of COVID-19 infection isolated in a designated area, where he/she will attended to by a limited number of trained staff while the camper awaits pick up
    • If necessary, our staff will provide a mask for any potentially-infectious camper who does not have his or her own mask, but only with parent permission.
  • Thereafter, our trained staff will activate substantial and additional sanitization protocol to fully clean and disinfect any surfaces and objects prior to permitting campers back in any area inhabited by a camper suspected of a coronavirus exposure and/or infection

*Please note that some or all of the protocol written above may change at anytime based on rapid testing, vaccinations and the recommendations of the CDC, ACA, and other city or county guidelines.

Communication and Notification
  • As always and with any communication, we will over-communicate with parents and guardians related to any and all Covid incident(s) or presumed incident(s)
  • Also, we will never reveal or share the name of any child(ren) affected or presumably affected by Covid. We are compliant and abide by all HIPPA guidelines, so all first and last names will remain anonymous.
  • If IDEAS Camps receive notice from a parent or guardian of a confirmed or presumptive case of COVID-19 amongst our campers, or any notice from a staff member that they are confirmed or presumed to have COVID-19, we will:
    • Directly contact families of campers who were in immediate contact with the camper in question and;
    • Notify camper families who were not believed to be in direct contact with the camper, but have attended the same week of programming as the affected child(ren)
  • The following on-location responses may be considered:
    • Consideration of camp location closure for a minimum of 24 hours, depending on the circumstances and verifications
    • Immediate notification of all impacted individuals – campers and staff (names remain anonymous at all times)
    • Full, on-location intensive cleaning and sanitization
  • IDEAS Camps will follow the guidance of the local health department and work with local authorities to ensure a safe workspace and camp environment.
  • We will never compromise safety and rush campers or staff back on-location in case there is a temporary closure.

*Please note that some or all of the protocol written above may change at anytime based on rapid testing, vaccinations and the recommendations of the CDC, ACA, and other city or county guidlines.

Please note that some or all of the protocol written above may change at anytime based on rapid testing, vaccinations and the recommendations of the CDC, ACA, and other city or county guidlines. Our company will never compromise safety, however we will continue to monitor and make and and all appropriate safety precautions (additions/removals) and adjustments as information continues to develop regarding the state of Covid and the national/local responses.

Stay Informed

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